I think i finally have a quiet moment to myself to actually write! Amazing, i know. It's been quite busy around our new house. With getting things unpacked and organized to the point that we can function on a daily basis, and getting the boys ready for school (they started on the 19
th), i have been in my own little world. I have to say tho that things are taking shape. It
doesn't feel like home yet but with time maybe it will.
In fact no place feels like home anymore. we went home a week ago for a family reunion and to be honest pulling into the driveway and walking into an empty house was really hard. it
doesn't feel like home anymore.Ifeel lost to be honest. I
don't regret any of this, because this is where our family needs to be. Together. It
hasn't been the miracle fix, certain people still fight and yell and say mean things, but with time maybe that will change too.
I have many photos on my camera, but somehow during the move my computers
usb drives decided to go
MIA. anything i plug in i get that dreaded little box that says "
usb drive not recognized". seriously...
I'm over it. maybe a trip to the forbidden store is needed. ill just take the memory card and get all the pics on a disk and do it that way. i have nothing better to do today, really.
speaking of today, it is my 37
th birthday. yeah,
I'm feeling more like 87! we painted the boys room this weekend and my body aches in places i
didn't think you could actually get aches. i will try to enjoy it, maybe a little running around this morning with
keira and then get the grass cut this afternoon. then dinner and homework and baths and cleaning...birthdays just
aren't as much fun when you get all old and mature!
I'm sure ill slip in a rum and coke before bed, i deserve that much.
well, its time to wake one of the kiddos for school so i will say goodbye for now. like my mom always says, fill your day with memories.